HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Response

The HTTP status code of 200 usually indicates a successful invocation. If an error occurs during processing, HTTP status code 403 is usually returned, and the structure of the response is an errorResponse object. It contains two elements: a code element and a message element. The code element contains a number corresponding to the error conditions documented on the error code list page. The message element contains a text message that may provide further detail about the error. The response is formatted as XML by default, but the response_format input parameter can be used to specify either XML or JSON formatting.

The following HTTP status codes may be returned by calls to Luminate Online APIs.

Code Description
200 OK. Generally, indicates a successful invocation. May also be returned on error if call includes suppress_result_codes=true.
302 Redirect. The invocation may have been successful or an error may have occurred. A redirect parameter was specified in the request so the response is a redirection to that URL.
403 Forbidden. The most common error status, it indicates that the request was received and understood but an error occurred. Parse the content text for more information.
405 Bad Method. Indicates that the request was not sent using the "POST" HTTP method.

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