Facebook: Featured Examples

Long Live Earth

Conservation International

Conservation International, via its Long Live Earth application, offers an opportunity for Facebook users to join other like-minded people and raise the collective voice for conservation. Offering breaking news, tools for living green, donation opportunities, ecards, and the ability to send green gifts to friends within Facebook, Conservation International aims to engage existing and prospective constituents while raising awareness of a variety of conservation issues.

The Sierra Club uses its application, Sierra Club Action Center, to highlight key advocacy initiatives important to its mission. By offering multiple advocacy actions as well as subscription opportunities, Sierra Club engages existing constituents where they live online while starting relationships with new constituents. To encourage community building among its constituency, Sierra Club Action Center provides opportunities to share with friends within Facebook, either by participating in their Scrapbook or giving environmentally themed gifts.

Donation API Application

Convio Developer Example

Since the first day we launched the Facebook Application Platform, clients have been asking us to provide a donation experience that lives completely within Facebook. This example shows you how to do exactly that. We've built an example application that lets a donor start and finish the donation within the application, using new FBML and the Convio Donations API. We've taken it one step farther, however, and also built an example of how you can empower someone visiting a Facebook profile to begin a donation, right on the profile page, by inserting a mini donation form in the profile badge of the application. Click here to watch a video demonstration of our donation API application on Facebook.