Constituent Partition

A partition defines the set of constituents in the Luminate Online database that are targeted for synchronization with a client system. In the most common scenario, you want to synchronize all constituents, but in some cases you may want to restrict the exchange of constituent information to a specific subset. For example, if you are synchronizing a donor database with Luminate Online, you may only want to synchronize constituents who have a mailing address or who have made at least one donation.

Luminate Online automatically tracks partition membership according to the criteria you specify. If you define a partition that includes all constituents, then Luminate Online will add constituents immediately when they register. If you define a partition that includes only a subset of all constituents, Luminate Online will check each time a constituent record is updated, and add or remove the constituent from the partition as appropriate.

Creating and managing partitions

Partition management is part of the Luminate Online administration interface:

  1. Choose Import/Export from the Data Management menu
  2. Click on the Partition Management tab

This page lists available partitions and allows you to edit, copy and delete them, as well as manage their membership.

Determining available partitions

All Luminate Online Web Service operations require a partition ID. Most sites will have a single partition whose ID you can set as a static property of your middleware implementation. You can use the Web Services Console to query for the ID of each available partition:

  1. Log in to the console
  2. Click on the Query tab.
  3. Enter the following query:
              select PartitionId,Name from Partition
  4. Copy the relevant PartitionId from the query response

Middleware applications can also perform this query and obtain the partition ID at runtime if desired.


Submitted by BlackbaudDevSupport at 02:11 PM on October 1, 2013
Note that not all new constituent records will be immediately available to the partition. The duplicate management process used when a constituent registers on your site for the first time may have an affect on the partition. For each new constituent, an automated process is periodically run in the background to make sure the new constituent record is not a duplicate. If it is, then the constituent record is flagged as a duplicate and findable in the Find Duplicates feature in the Constituent360 - Constituent - Profile tab. Data integrity precedence over any attempt to sync data to another system. This eliminates the risk of polluting the data in the other system. For Convio Web Services this means that we won't perform an action on a constituent record a) before it is evaluated and b) if it is a potential duplicate that has not been resolved. The way to manage this is through the features in the Data Management – Import/Export – Partition Management – Data Sync Partitions – [name of partition] – Edit – Manually Manage Partition Members tab. If the new constituent record hasn't been evaluated, then a "the constituent is not a member of the partition" message is displayed. The remedy is to wait for the automated process to run. If the constituent record has been evaluated and flagged as a duplicate, then a "potential duplicate" message is displayed. The remedy is to resolve the duplicate (either by deleting or merging, depending on your organization's data hygiene processes).

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