Provides extended metadata about a Record type
This operation provides extended metadata about a Record type defined in the Luminate Online WSDL.
The SupportedOperations elements list the operations supported for the specified record type. For example, the Constituent record type supports synchronization in both directions as well as query; the Donation record type supports only "download" synchronization from Luminate Online to remote systems as well as query; and the DonationCampaign record type supports only query.
The Field elements provide information about the type's fields. Field properties may include:
Element | Description |
Name | The name of the field |
Writable | Whether or not the field may be modified on Create or Update operations |
Custom | Whether or not the field name is an alias for a custom field in the Luminate Online database |
Nillable | Whether or not the field value may be Null |
Multiple | Whether or not the field may return multiple instances |
Type | The field's data type (may be either a simple type or another CWS schema type) |
MaxLength | The maximum number of characters supported for text fields (longer values will be truncated) |
IsCriterion | Not used (Deprecated) |
IsWildcard | Whether or not the field is returned to a query that does not specifically request it when the parent type is requested |
Option | One of a list of valid values for an enumeration type |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''> <soap:Header> <Session xmlns=''> <SessionId>9b35f8351f300a7c11a5ce232c9ce82ed6240aa1:JSESSIONID=abc0IZk5Fzfq8gdboKT4r:10000100:2008-12-12T23:38:36.362Z</SessionId> </Session> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <DescribeRecordType xmlns=''> <RecordType>Constituent</RecordType> </DescribeRecordType> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <DescribeRecordTypeResponse xmlns=""> <Result> <Name>Constituent</Name> <SupportedOperations> <Create>true</Create> <Update>true</Update> <Delete>true</Delete> <GetIncrementalInserts>true</GetIncrementalInserts> <GetIncrementalUpdates>true</GetIncrementalUpdates> <GetIncrementalDeletes>true</GetIncrementalDeletes> <Query>true</Query> </SupportedOperations> <Field> <Name>ConsId</Name> <Writable>false</Writable> <Custom>false</Custom> <Nillable>true</Nillable> <Multiple>false</Multiple> <Type>nonNegativeInteger</Type> <IsCriterion>true</IsCriterion> </Field> <Field> <Name>SiteId</Name> <Writable>false</Writable> <Custom>false</Custom> <Nillable>true</Nillable> <Multiple>false</Multiple> <Type>nonNegativeInteger</Type> <IsCriterion>false</IsCriterion> </Field> <Field> . . . </Result> </DescribeRecordTypeResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>