A record of constituent, organization member or contact's membership to a Center.
A center member record represents membership of a constituent (in Luminate Online database) to a center.
DataSync Web Services supports query and update operations on CenterMember records in Luminate Online database. A CenterMember record cannot be added to or deleted from Luminate Online database using a DataSync Web Services operation on a CenterMember record. The only information about a CenterMember record that can be modified or updated using a DataSync Web Servicse operation on a CenterMember record is the constituent's email opt-in preference for the center. A constituent's email opt-in preference for a center is tracked via the OptIn field in a CenterMember record. A constituent's email opt-in preference for a center can only be set to 'False' using a DataSync Web Service operation on a CenterMember record.
When you change the constituent's email opt-in preference for the center using DataSync Web Services operation, that constituent's interest opt-in preferences for the center are not changed. As a result, if the constituent is opted into email for the center again, their interest opt-in's preferences for the center are again effective.