Adds one or more constituent records to Luminate Online
Adds one or more constituent records to Luminate Online.
2020 Update: Beginning with the LWS 1.32 release, you must include the AcceptsEmail parameter set to true to opt new constituents into email. When this parameter is not included, new constituents are opted-out of email by default.
Note: If a constituent is created in the context of synchronizing with a particular partition, the constituent is not added to the partition until membership criteria are met (i.e. has a mailing address).
Returns a separate result element for each record in the request, including the unique Luminate Online ID ( ConsId ) assigned to the record. It is recommended that clients store the ConsId associated with each record in their offline system.
Accepts up to 50 records per request. There is no limit to the number of requests that may be submitted within a single synchronization.
The response may contain zero or more response elements
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=''> <soapenv:Header> <ns3:Session xmlns:ns3='' soapenv:mustUnderstand='0'> <ns3:SessionId>c55d8f07700b4aa8401e2b9c4d4262efa6da30d8:JSESSIONID=abcKuVJBroiHpeNByWZ3r:10000100:2008-12-01T18:13:46.019Z</ns3:SessionId> </ns3:Session> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ns3:Create xmlns:ns3=''> <ns3:PartitionId>123</ns3:PartitionId> <ns3:Record xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsi='' xsi:type='ns1:Constituent'> <ns1:ConsName> <ns1:FirstName>Albus</ns1:FirstName> <ns1:LastName>Dumbledore</ns1:LastName> </ns1:ConsName> <ns1:UserName>albus</ns1:UserName> <ns1:PrimaryEmail></ns1:PrimaryEmail> <ns1:HomeAddress> <ns1:Street1/> <ns1:City>Hogsmeade</ns1:City> <ns1:State>CA</ns1:State> <ns1:Zip>94702</ns1:Zip> <ns1:Country>USA</ns1:Country> </ns1:HomeAddress> </ns3:Record> </ns3:Create> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=''> <soap:Body> <CreateResponse xmlns='' xmlns:ens='' xmlns:xsi=''> <Result> <ResultCode>OK</ResultCode> <Message>New user added.</Message> <Record xsi:type='ens:Constituent'> <ens:ConsId>1001482</ens:ConsId> <ens:PrimaryEmail></ens:PrimaryEmail> </Record> </Result> </CreateResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>