Returns all records of a particular type that were added to the Luminate Online system during the active synchronization period.
Downloads records of a particular type that were added to a partition during the active synchronization period.
Note that record selection is based on when a record is added to the specified partition, not when the record was actually created. For a constituent record, there are several events that can trigger the addition of the record to a partition:
Constituents added or modified by the currently authenticated user are excluded from the results selected for this operation, although they may become downloadable in future synchronizations if modified by another user.
Financial transaction may be added to the partition in one of two ways:
Pagination is handled in the same fashion as the Query operation.
The requested set of fields may include any subset of the fields that the Luminate Online WSDL defines for the specified record type. The fields in the request must be listed in the same order as they are defined in the WSDL. You may use dot notation to specify selected subfields within composite element, such as ConsName.FirstName.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header> <ns3:Session xmlns:ns3="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0"> <ns3:SessionId>3868cf8ebb49e046a024e18ad8420ea931fe8b64:JSESSIONID=abc_g9cmWx9L0_dZyWZ3r:10000101:2008-12-01T18:13:47.722Z</ns3:SessionId> </ns3:Session> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ns3:GetIncrementalInserts xmlns:ns3=""> <ns3:PartitionId>123</ns3:PartitionId> <ns3:RecordType>Constituent</ns3:RecordType> <ns3:Page>1</ns3:Page> <ns3:PageSize>3</ns3:PageSize> <ns3:Field>ConsId</ns3:Field> <ns3:Field>ConsName</ns3:Field> <ns3:Field>UserName</ns3:Field> <ns3:Field>PrimaryEmail</ns3:Field> <ns3:Field>HomeAddress</ns3:Field> </ns3:GetIncrementalInserts> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <GetIncrementalInsertsResponse xmlns="" xmlns:ens="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Record xsi:type="ens:Constituent"> <ens:ConsId>1001483</ens:ConsId> <ens:ConsName> <ens:FirstName>Harry</ens:FirstName> <ens:LastName>Potter</ens:LastName> </ens:ConsName> <ens:UserName>potter</ens:UserName> <ens:PrimaryEmail></ens:PrimaryEmail> <ens:HomeAddress> <ens:Street1>4 Privet Drive</ens:Street1> <ens:City>Little Whinging</ens:City> <ens:State>CA</ens:State> <ens:Zip>94705</ens:Zip> <ens:Country>USA</ens:Country> </ens:HomeAddress> </Record> </GetIncrementalInsertsResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>